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Article 19.11(11)(a) - Area with a floor total surface equal to or lower than 800 m²

This article enables the ‘tween-deck dining room, the lounge located above it and the central stairwell to be considered as one single room.

This seems unacceptable given the heightened insecurity in the event of fire.
For many years, the objective has been to ensure a safe escape route enabling evacuation of the lounge, dining room and connecting corridors via the central stairwell. The current text no longer enables this demand to be upheld.

It would be possible to propose that the text of this article be adapted such that the central stairwell not be included in the calculation of the 800 m² and must always be designed in accordance with the fire protection regulations as a separate zone. One could on the other hand differentiate between stairwells connecting 2 or 3 decks. If it connects 2 decks, then access to the stairwell only needs to be closed on one deck.

RV/G (08) 12

A stairway that is located entirely within a lounge requires no stairwell. If this room extends over more than two decks, access to a stairwell adjoining this room must be available from each room.

RV/G (07) 90

CCNR Inspection Regulations Working Group RV/G, fire protection, stairways, floor total surface