

Central Commission for the Navigation of the Rhine (CCNR)
Palais du Rhin
2, Place de la République - CS 10023
F-67082 Strasbourg cedex
Telephone: +33 3 88 52 20 10
Fax: +33 3 88 32 10 72
E-Mail: ccnr@ccr-zkr.org


User Instructions

This website and the database that it hosts are intended to provide information. The information is put together with utmost care. Even though the Central Commission for the Navigation of the Rhine (CCNR) tries to keep this information as up-to-date, complete and accurate as possible, no rights can be derived from this website and the database that it hosts.

The CCNR is not liable for the content of this website and the database that it hosts for any direct or indirect damage resulting from possible mistakes or faults of this data base.

The data base can be amended without any prior announcement.

Questions pertaining to the application of the regulations must be put to the competent Inspection bodies, the contact details of which are provided on the CCNR website.



2 rue Kellermann
59100 Roubaix France
Telephone: +33 (0)8 203 203 63


Protection of personal data and cookies

The CCNR undertakes to protect the personal information and privacy of visitors to its website and of any person using its services as a matter of course.
Under Regulation (EU) 2016/679 on the protection of personal data, you are entitled to request the controller for access to your personal data, its correction or erasure, or to restrict the processing of your personal data.

For more information about your rights, please refer to our data protection and cookies policy.