Article 19.06(4) - Cabin doors giving onto stairwells or interior rooms
Formerly, the RVIR contained a rule according to which cabin doors are not to give onto a stairwell or the central hall.
This requirement should be restored. The reason cited is that stairwells and the central hall extend over several decks. If something happens in these common areas, the passengers occupying the cabins in question will no longer be able to leave them.
RV/G (08) 12
Each door giving onto a stairwell must at a minimum comprise a type A0 partition where there is a pressurised-water spraying system, or a type A 30 partition where there is no such system. If a cabin door gives onto a stairwell, an escape route both upwards and downwards must be available. If a staircase connects more than two decks, a stairwell is required.
RV/G (07) 90
CCNR Inspection Regulations Working Group RV/G, Fire protection, stairways, interior rooms